Monday, August 5, 2013


This week has been interesting.
I'm writing more for myself than anything. A way to get my thoughts out of my head and organized.

We are getting closer and closer to moving.
 Ben is busy working very hard. I am planning and dividing our life of "things" into categories (now, road trip and beyond). All the while trying to do my best to spend time with the people in our lives.

Within the past few months Ive learned so many lessons about myself and others. Some of those lessons have been harder than others.

What I feel right now is humbled and gratitude.  I feel Gods grace through people.
I am so thankful for the people in our lives and I try not to take them for granted. I'm thankful for those who help without hesitation, out of love and who care without limitation.

Im happy that we will be spending our last few weeks in Hawaii with these friends. I hope that one day Ben and I can be a blessing to others as they have been to us.

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